Our Purpose
We aspire to educate, empower, experience and embrace our bodies' innate healing power.
Handsflow offers safe & natural therapy support for anyone seeking to enhance their well being.
Our Services
Founder, Handsflow
Meet Nicole Ting, Founder of Handsflow, who champions to empower individuals seeking effective healing interventions through the ART of Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy. Handsflow offers holistic energy therapy that harmonises modern lives’ challenges through this gentle Art of touch intervention. Nicole is considered the first Psychologist in Singapore to be a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) practitioner. She is also the author of the book "Healing Journeys through the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Author, Healing Journeys through the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Apart from being a Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) practitioner, Nicole is also the author of book "Healing Journeys through the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu".
The book has received some great reviews on Amazon and is now available in the eBook format.
A touch that brings enormous amazing results. Give this complementary healing method a try if you have exhausted all means. Nicole’s inspiring stories bring hope and warmth to those in pain. Let our body, mind and spirit harmonise itself naturally through JSJ.
I really love this book! The author Nicole, her hands, the healing journey and testimonies of her patients were all so amazing. Truly, JSJ is now part of my self care, my healing blessing!